Why Do I Struggle Finding My Style?

Do you feel like you struggle to find clothes you like? Do you feel like you can’t figure out your style? You may be surprised to hear this, but you are not alone if you struggle to find your style!

Many women are in the exact same situation, wanting to know their style, but there are many distractions in the way that might be keeping you from uncovering your style.

In this post, we’ll dive into why these challenges and distractions come up and how you can navigate them to uncover a style that truly resonates with you.

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overwhelmed by fashion choices

1. Overwhelmed by Choices

Fashion is huge and has a lot to offer, with tons of styles, trends, and items to choose from. In fact, it seems like trends change every other day! It can be pretty overwhelming with so many options that you might not even know where to start. Stores are created to show you the newest trends and they are displayed in the front of the store to entice you. Rather than shopping mindlessly, change your shopping habits to shopping with intention. By this, I mean having a list of what you’re looking for to add to your wardrobe.

Tip: Start by creating a mood board (physically or digitally on platforms like Pinterest) of looks that catch your eye. Over time, you'll start to notice patterns and preferences emerging, which can guide you toward your style.

2. Influence of Trends

Trends are a significant driving force in the fashion industry, constantly shaping what we see in stores and online. However, blindly following trends can lead to a wardrobe full of items that don't truly reflect your personal taste or lifestyle.

Before making a purchase, I like to ask myself two questions - is this garment my style, and does it work with at least 3-5 other pieces in my wardrobe?

Tip: Focus on incorporating elements of trends that resonate with you into a more timeless wardrobe. This way, you can stay current without losing sight of your personal style.

Related post: How to Shop for Clothes the RIGHT Way

3. Body Shape and Comfort Concerns

Everyone's body is unique, and finding clothes that fit well and feel comfortable can be a significant challenge.

This can be particularly frustrating when current fashion trends don't seem to cater to your body type or when you're unsure how to dress your shape confidently.

Tip: Seek out brands and designers that celebrate diverse body types and offer various sizes. Learning about styles that enhance your natural silhouette can also boost your confidence and help you make choices that feel both comfortable and stylish.

Related post: What is Your Body Shape and How to Dress for It

4. Evolving Personal Taste

As we grow and evolve, so do our tastes. What you loved wearing a few years ago might not appeal to you now, which can lead to a sense of disconnect from your current wardrobe. If you’re not sure what your current personal style is, you may want to figure out your style words. They will be a good launch pad to help you visualize your style.

Tip: Allow your wardrobe to evolve with you. Regularly assess which items you love and wear the most and which ones no longer serve your style or lifestyle. This ongoing process can help you gradually refine your wardrobe to match your current preferences and lifestyle better.

Related Post: What’s Your Fashion Style in 3 Words

5. Budget Constraints

Building a wardrobe that reflects your personal style can sometimes be hindered by budget constraints. High-quality, timeless pieces can be expensive, and it might feel challenging to curate a stylish wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Tip: Focus on quality over quantity. Invest in versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. Thrift stores, vintage shops, and end-of-season sales are also great ways to find high-quality items at a lower cost. Another great option when shopping for basics is to try Amazon. They have a very nice selection of essential pieces that you can use to build the foundation of your wardrobe.

Related Post: How to Look Put-Together On a Budget

6. Lack of Confidence

Sometimes, the biggest hurdle is an internal one. You might have a sense of your style but feel hesitant to fully embrace it due to fears of standing out or not fitting in.

Tip: Remember that fashion is a form of self-expression. Embracing your personal style is a step toward expressing your unique identity. Start small with accessories or statement pieces that make you feel confident, and gradually build from there. Like any other skill, this one takes practice to master, and the more you work on your personal style, the more it will improve to suit your personality.

Related Post: 7 Shockingly Easy Ways to Feel More Confident

7. A cluttered Closet

A cluttered closet can be a significant obstacle in your journey to defining your style. When your wardrobe is filled to the brim with items you no longer wear, that don't fit, or don't reflect your current tastes, it becomes difficult to see the forest for the trees. Here's why a cluttered closet is problematic and what you can do about it:

Impact: A cluttered wardrobe can obscure your view of the pieces you truly love, making it hard to mix, match, and experiment with your outfits. It leads to decision fatigue, as you're overwhelmed by choices every time you get dressed. Furthermore, it stifles your creativity and prevents you from accurately assessing what your style is.

Solution: Begin with a thorough wardrobe audit. Remove everything from your closet and assess each item individually. Ask yourself: Does this fit? Is it flattering? Does it reflect my current style? If an item doesn't meet these criteria, consider donating, selling, or recycling it. Organize the remaining pieces in a way that makes sense to you, whether that's by color, season, or occasion, ensuring that everything is visible and accessible. Implementing a one-in-one-out rule can help maintain this clarity and prevent future clutter. Regularly review your wardrobe to ensure it continues to align with your evolving style.

By tackling the challenge of a cluttered closet, you pave the way for a wardrobe that truly reflects your personal style, making it easier to dress in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

Related Post: How to Get Rid of Clothes in 3 Easy Steps

8. Influence of Friends and Family on Clothing Purchases

The opinions and tastes of our friends and family can significantly shape our clothing choices, sometimes leading us away from our true personal style. While it's natural to seek approval and advice from those close to us, this can occasionally result in a wardrobe that reflects others' preferences more than our own. Here's a closer look at how this happens and strategies for ensuring your style remains uniquely yours:

Impact: When we shop with friends or family, or when we let their opinions heavily influence our style decisions, we might choose items that don't fully resonate with us. This can lead to a closet full of clothes that we don't feel particularly connected to or comfortable in, simply because they were endorsed by someone close to us.

Solution: While it's fine to take advice and consider the opinions of friends and family, it's essential to stay true to your own taste and preferences. Here are a few tips to maintain your style independence:

  • Trust Your Instincts: If you're drawn to a piece, consider how it makes you feel rather than how others might perceive it. Your wardrobe should be a reflection of your personality, not someone else's.

  • Develop a Style Statement: Create a personal style statement that encapsulates what you love and what you want your style to convey. Refer back to this statement when shopping or when receiving advice from others to ensure your choices align with your style goals.

  • Seek Diverse Opinions: While it's valuable to have input, getting perspectives from a wide range of people can provide a more balanced view and prevent you from leaning too heavily on one person's taste.

  • Learn to Say No: It's okay to politely decline suggestions that don't align with your personal style. Remember, fashion is a personal journey, and not every piece that works for someone else will work for you.

  • Solo Shopping Trips: Consider shopping alone occasionally. This is actually my favorite way to shop because it allows you to make decisions at your own pace and based on your own preferences, without outside influence.

By making the conscious effort to curb the influence of friends and family on your clothing choices, you can ensure that your wardrobe truly reflects your individual style, making each outfit a more authentic expression of yourself.

Final Thoughts

Finding your personal style is a journey that requires patience, experimentation, and self-discovery. It's normal to face obstacles along the way, but each challenge also offers an opportunity to learn more about yourself and what makes you feel most authentic and confident. Embrace the process, and remember that your style should ultimately make you feel like the best version of yourself.

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Why Do I Struggle to Find My Style?