What to Wear in Retirement: 8 Must-Know Tips!

What's in your retirement wardrobe? If you are over 50, 60, or 70 and heading into retirement, here are 8 tips you need to know to get your closet ready for this new phase of your life! Or perhaps you've already retired, and your wardrobe isn't working for you.

These tips will help you organize your closet, weed out the items you don't need, and help you choose a closet full of clothes you love to wear. What does your new life look like? Will you care for grandchildren, spend time on hobbies, travel, visit relatives, or work part-time? Let's build a wardrobe that suits your new lifestyle!


Retirement is an exciting new life chapter full of transitions and changes. Among these changes, you may wonder what to do with your wardrobe. After all, as your lifestyle shifts, so too should the clothes you wear. Fear not, fashionista! I'm Nancy Queen, your guide to building a wardrobe full of clothes you love, making getting dressed every day an absolute joy.

In this post, we'll explore the transition into retirement and the wardrobe changes that may accompany it. This stage of life can be quite overwhelming, with countless shifts taking place. You might be experiencing menopause, watching your children leave the nest, celebrating a long career, welcoming grandchildren, or planning to travel more. With so many life changes, it's only natural to wonder how your wardrobe should evolve to match.

Several readers have asked questions about transitioning their wardrobes as their lives change. So, let's dive in and explore my best tips for updating your wardrobe as you embark on this exciting new phase of life.

#1. Embrace Change

Retirement is an exciting yet overwhelming time, offering the perfect opportunity to have fun with your wardrobe and reinvent your style. But how do you make this transition without it feeling daunting? In this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of updating your wardrobe to suit your new lifestyle while keeping it enjoyable and stress-free.

Step 1: Reflect on Your New Lifestyle

As you begin this journey, take some time to consider the questions posed below deeply. You may want to take notes, as these questions will help you understand the wardrobe needs of this new phase in your life. Remember, this isn't a process to rush through; rather, we'll take a slow and steady approach to ensure your wardrobe reflects your new lifestyle.

  • What are your plans for this stage of your life? Volunteering, caring for grandchildren, working part-time, or pursuing hobbies?

  • What does your day-to-day routine look like? Are you mostly at home or engaged in various activities?

  • Do you have any major events coming up, such as a cruise or family gathering?

Step 2: Plan Your Wardrobe Accordingly

With a clear understanding of your new lifestyle, you can begin planning your wardrobe to match. Remember the activities and events you noted, as these will inform the types of clothing you'll need.

Step 3: Embrace the Transition

As you start this wardrobe transformation, remember not to make any drastic changes. Think of this process as a long-term game, and approach it consciously. Gradually updating your wardrobe will ensure it's well-suited to your new life and reflects your style.

#2. Revamp Your Wardrobe for Retirement

As you embark on the journey of updating your wardrobe for retirement, it's important to take stock of your current style and identify areas that may need improvement. A simple yet effective way to do this is by photographing your outfits daily.

Step 1: Snap a Daily Outfit Photo

For the next month or two, remember to photograph what you're wearing each day. Don't worry about looking perfect; even if you're disheveled, the goal is to capture an honest representation of your daily attire.

Step 2: Review Your Outfit Photos

After collecting a series of outfit photos, spend some time reviewing them. Look for patterns or areas that might need attention, such as:

  • Clothing items you wear frequently (e.g., shorts or a specific sweatshirt)

  • Favorite shoes that could use a complementary pair

  • Opportunities to diversify your wardrobe with new styles or colors

Step 3: Adjust Your Wardrobe Based on Your Findings

With a clearer understanding of your current style and wardrobe preferences, you can now make informed decisions about what to add, remove, or update. This process allows you to transition smoothly into your new lifestyle while still staying true to your personal style.

#3. Try the Closet Rotation Technique

When transitioning into retirement, one key step in revamping your wardrobe is identifying which clothes you wear and which are just taking up valuable closet space. In this blog post, we'll discuss a simple and effective technique called the Closet Rotation Technique that will help you declutter and streamline your wardrobe to match your new lifestyle.

Step 1: Begin with an Organized Closet

First, ensure your closet is organized, with all your clothes hung up or folded neatly. This will make it easier to track your progress throughout this process.

Step 2: Rotate Worn Clothes

As you wear each item of clothing, launder it and then move it to a separate designated area in your closet. Continue doing this for each item you wear over the next few weeks or a month. This will help you keep track of the clothes you wear most frequently.

Step 3: Identify Unused Items

At the end of the designated period, look at the clothes left untouched in their original spot. These items may no longer serve a purpose in your wardrobe and should be considered for removal.

Step 4: Declutter and Refresh

Use the insights gained from the Closet Rotation Technique to make informed decisions about which items to keep, remove, or replace. This will help you declutter your wardrobe and make room for new pieces that suit your new lifestyle better.

#4. Create a Wardrobe Wishlist

As you transition into retirement and revamp your wardrobe, it's important to shop intentionally, focusing on items that truly enhance your clothing collection. One practical way to achieve this is by keeping a wardrobe wishlist. Let’s discuss creating and using a wishlist to make more mindful shopping decisions during your wardrobe transformation.

Step 1: Keep a Notebook or Notes App Handy

Place a notebook near your dressing area, or use the notes app on your phone to quickly jot down items you wish for as you get dressed. This list will remind you of the specific pieces you want to add to your wardrobe.

Step 2: Take Note of Missing Items

As you dress each day, pay attention to the gaps in your wardrobe. For example, you may realize that you could wear more white t-shirts or that a cute, casual skirt would pair well with several tops. Record these items in your notebook or notes app, creating a wishlist of items that will enhance your wardrobe.

Step 3: Shop with Purpose

When it's time to shop, consult your wishlist and focus on finding the specific items you've identified. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and add items that complement your wardrobe and suit your new lifestyle.

#5. Retiring Your Career Clothes

As you transition into retirement, discarding all your work clothes and starting fresh might be tempting. However, striking a balance between decluttering and maintaining a few versatile pieces is essential. Let’s talk about the importance of holding onto some of your career clothes and how they can still serve you in your new life stage.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Career Clothes

Before you start purging your work wardrobe, take a moment to evaluate the items you own. Consider their potential usefulness in various situations that might arise during your retirement.

Step 2: Keep a Few Versatile Pieces

While it's natural to want to downsize your work clothes, retaining a few versatile pieces for special events, occasional meetings, or part-time work is important. These items can save you from repurchasing similar clothes in the future.

Step 3: Gradual Decluttering

Instead of immediately discarding all your work attire, try a gradual approach. Over the course of six months to a year, assess whether you've needed any of the items you've kept. If you find that certain pieces have gone unused, you can confidently let them go.

#6. Special Occasion Outfits

While casual attire may become your go-to wardrobe choice during retirement, it's essential not to overlook the need for special occasion outfits. It’s important to have a few versatile pieces reserved for events like weddings, baby showers, and other formal gatherings, even during retirement.

Step 1: Assess Your Special Occasion Needs

Consider the types of events you're likely to attend during retirement, such as family gatherings, church events, or even funerals. This will help you determine the number of special occasion outfits you should keep in your wardrobe.

Step 2: Choose Versatile Pieces

Select one to three versatile special occasion dresses that can be worn to various events. This way, you won't need to buy a new outfit for each occasion, saving you time and money in the long run.

Step 3: Keep Your Special Occasion Wardrobe Separate

To make it easy to locate your special occasion clothes when needed, keep them separate from your everyday attire. This will ensure that your go-to pieces are always ready and available for any event that arises.

#7. Slow Purging & Decluttering

When entering retirement, it's natural to want to declutter your wardrobe, especially your work clothes. However, taking a slow and mindful approach to purging can prevent potential regrets down the line. Slow purging has benefits, and I’ll share some practical tips for making the process more manageable.

Step 1: Purge with Caution

While getting rid of everything at once may be tempting, consider purging only a portion of your work clothes initially. This will allow you to maintain flexibility as you adjust to your new lifestyle.

Step 2: Store Unused Items Temporarily

Instead of discarding all unwanted items immediately, store a quarter of them in a separate space, such as the attic, garage, or basement, for about six months. This will give you time to evaluate your changing needs and determine whether you might still require some of these pieces.

Step 3: Reassess Your Needs

During the first six months of your retirement, you may discover new interests or even embark on a different career path. By holding onto some of your work clothes, you can avoid the need to repurchase items if your circumstances change.

#8. Reinvent Your Style

Retirement offers the perfect opportunity to explore new styles, colors, and silhouettes that may have been off-limits during your working years. In this blog post, we'll discuss how embracing the fun of reinventing your style can lead to an exciting and fulfilling wardrobe transformation during your retirement.

Step 1: Experiment with New Styles

Allow yourself to play with different clothing styles you may have never considered. Try t-shirt dresses, leggings, or comfortable pants, and see how they make you feel. Be open to trying new colors and silhouettes to add variety to your wardrobe.

Step 2: Discover Your Personal Style

As you experiment with new styles, note what resonates most with you. To help you in this process, check out my post on figuring out your style. This resource will guide you in identifying the direction you want to take with your wardrobe as you transition into retirement.

Step 3: Share Your Journey

Engage with others by sharing your experiences and thoughts about reinventing your style in the comments section of our blog or social media platforms. This can create a supportive community where people can exchange ideas, tips, and encouragement during this exciting phase of life.

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