How to Makeover a Small Closet

Are you struggling with a cramped, cluttered, and uninspiring closet space? You're not alone.

In fact, this is a topic I completely relate to! My husband and I downsized from a large home with separate closets to an apartment where we share a small closet.

Small closets, a common feature in apartments and older homes, can be challenging. But with a few smart strategies and creative touches, you can transform your limited closet area into a functional and fabulous wardrobe oasis.

Here's how to make the most of your small closet and turn it into a space you'll love.

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How can I make my closet look Better?

Declutter and Purify: Begin by sorting through your clothing. Remove items you no longer wear or that are in poor condition. This decluttering process is not just about creating space; it's about curating a wardrobe that reflects your current style and needs.

Organize with Style: Next, organize your clothing by type and color. This not only simplifies finding your outfits but also turns your closet into a visually appealing space. It’s like shopping from your personal boutique every morning!

Storage Solutions: Invest in smart storage solutions. Bins, baskets, or shelves are essential for keeping items off the floor and maintaining organization. Also, using matching hangers provides a unified, clean look that is pleasing to the eye.

Maximize Space: For small closets, double hang rods are a game-changer, effectively doubling your hanging space. It's a simple addition that can have a substantial impact on how you store your clothes.

Add a Mirror: A full-length mirror on the closet door is not just practical for outfit checks; it also creates the illusion of more space, making your closet area feel larger and brighter.

Personal Touches: Finally, add some decorative elements like cute wardrobe artwork or plants to make your closet space more welcoming and personalized.

How can I update my old closet?

Refreshing an old closet doesn't have to be scary! With some easy and impactful changes, you can make it feel brand new again. Check out this guide on how to update your old closet so it's not just more practical but also a fun part of your home.

1. Paint: A Fresh New Look

  • Choose the Right Color: Your chosen color can significantly affect your closet's feelings. Light colors can make a small closet appear larger and brighter, while a dark or bold hue can add depth and sophistication. Consider the lighting and the overall color scheme of your room.

  • Finish Matters: Opt for a semi-gloss or satin finish paint. These are easier to clean and can better withstand the wear and tear that comes with daily use.

  • Preparation is Key: Before painting, remove all items from your closet, clean the walls, and repair any damages. This ensures a smooth and professional-looking finish.

2. Hardware Upgrade: The Power of Details

  • Style Selection: Choose hardware that complements the overall style of your room. Whether you prefer modern, minimalist knobs or more ornate handles, this small change can make a big impact.

  • Functional and Stylish: Consider the functionality of the hardware. For instance, if you have a lot of heavy clothing, sturdy handles are a must.

  • DIY Installation: Replacing closet hardware is a simple DIY project. All you need are some basic tools and the new hardware. It’s an easy way to add a personal touch to your space.

3. Lighting: Setting the Right Mood

  • LED Strips: LED strip lights are a fantastic way to add illumination to your closet without taking up too much space. They can be placed under shelves or along the closet rods to provide ample light.

  • Attractive Fixtures: If your closet has enough space, consider adding a statement light fixture. This could be a small chandelier, a sleek pendant, or modern recessed lighting, adding both light and style to your closet.

  • Smart Lighting: For a high-tech upgrade, consider smart bulbs or lights that can be controlled via your smartphone. This allows you to adjust the brightness and even the color of the light to suit your mood or needs.

  • Consider Color Temperature: The color temperature of your lighting can affect how your clothes look. A light that’s too warm might not accurately reflect the colors, while very cool light can be harsh. Aim for a balanced, natural light.

Bonus Tips for Closet Upgrades

  • Mirror Installation: Adding a full-length mirror can make your closet space look larger and more open. It’s also practical for outfit checks.

  • Wallpaper or Decals: If painting isn’t your thing, consider using wallpaper or wall decals to add texture or patterns to your closet walls.

  • Adjustable Shelving: Installing adjustable shelves can make your closet more versatile, allowing you to change the setup as your storage needs evolve.

  • Closet Accessories: Add in-closet accessories like scarf racks, shoe organizers, or pull-out bins for additional functionality.

By making these updates, your old closet can turn into a cool, convenient, and fun space. Don't forget. The idea is to create a closet that not only looks awesome but also meets your storage needs and makes your daily routine easier.

How to upgrade your closet on a budget?

Transforming your closet doesn't have to break the bank. With some ingenuity and a few budget-friendly strategies, you can upgrade your closet space, making it both functional and stylish.

Here's how to do it without overspending.

1. DIY Storage Solutions

  • Repurpose Household Items: Look around your home for items that can be repurposed as storage solutions. Old bookcases, storage boxes, or even small dressers can be refurbished and used in your closet.

  • Use Affordable Organizers: Discount and dollar stores often have a variety of organizing tools at low costs. Look for items like drawer dividers, small storage bins, and shelf organizers.

  • Get Crafty with DIY Projects: If you're handy, consider making your own shelves or racks. Materials like reclaimed wood or pipes can be turned into custom shelving, adding character and functionality to your closet.

2. Decorative Hooks

  • Function and Flair: Stylish hooks are an inexpensive way to add extra hanging space. They're perfect for accessories like scarves, belts, and jewelry or even for outfit planning.

  • Placement is Key: Install these hooks on the inside of your closet door or on a bare wall to make the most of unused space.

  • Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to mix different styles or colors of hooks for an eclectic, personalized look.

3. Wall Decals and Decor

  • Instant Transformation with Wall Decals: Removable wall decals are a great way to add personality to your closet walls. They come in various designs and are easy to apply and remove, making them perfect for renters or anyone who likes to change styles frequently.

  • Create an Accent Wall: Consider dedicating one wall as an accent wall. This could be through a bold paint color, wallpaper, or a creative use of decals.

4. Budget Lighting Options

  • String Lights: For an affordable lighting upgrade, add string lights or fairy lights. They create a cozy and whimsical ambiance.

  • Battery-Operated LEDs: These are a great option if you don’t have electrical wiring in your closet. Many come with adhesive backs for easy installation.

5. Clever Fabric Use

  • Curtains Instead of Doors: If your closet has old, unattractive doors, consider removing them and using a stylish curtain instead. This can add color and texture to your space.

  • Creative Drawer Liners: Use fabric or wallpaper scraps to line your drawers or shelves for a pop of color and pattern.

6. Accessorize with Thrift Finds

  • Second-Hand Treasures: Visit thrift stores or flea markets for unique items like vintage boxes, old picture frames, or interesting containers that can double as storage solutions.

  • Customize and Personalize: Don't be afraid to paint or alter these finds to match your closet’s theme.

7. Smart Sorting and Decluttering

  • Organize and Purge: Sometimes, the best upgrade is simply organizing and decluttering your space. A well-organized closet feels more spacious and functional.

Upgrading your closet on a budget isn't rocket science; you must get creative. With these affordable tricks, you can turn your closet into a space that's both organized and reflects your unique personal style. Remember, a great closet makeover isn't just about throwing money at it; it's about finding new and innovative ways to use what you've got.

How do I organize my closet like a pro?

Organizing your closet like a pro involves a combination of strategic planning, maximizing space, and maintaining a system that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Let’s expand on these key principles to help you create a closet that is as functional as it is stylish.

1. Maximize Every Inch

2. Consistent Hangers for a Cohesive Look

  • Uniformity is Key: Matching hangers give your closet a sleek, organized look. Choose slim, non-slip hangers for efficiency and aesthetics.

  • Hanger Material Matters: For delicate garments, use padded hangers. Wooden hangers are great for suits and heavier items, while plastic or metal works for everyday clothes.

3. Smart Seasonal Rotation

  • Accessibility: Keep the current season’s clothing front and center. Store off-season items in clear bins on higher shelves or under the bed.

  • Regular Reviews: At the start of each season, take the opportunity to review your wardrobe. Donate items you no longer wear and repair any pieces that need attention.

4. Special Garments Section

  • Separate Formal Wear: Create a dedicated space for formal wear and seldom-used items. Garment bags can protect these items from dust.

  • Strategic Placement: Place these garments towards the back of the closet or in another designated area. This keeps them out of the way but still accessible when needed.

5. Efficient Use of Shelves and Drawers

  • Foldable Items: Store sweaters, t-shirts, and jeans on shelves or drawers. Folding them properly prevents wrinkles and makes it easy to see everything you have.

  • Drawer Dividers: Use dividers or small bins in drawers to organize underwear, socks, and other small items.

6. Prioritize Accessibility

  • Eye-Level Storage: Keep frequently used items at eye level. This could include your favorite clothes, everyday shoes, or accessories.

  • Rear Storage: Use the rear part of the closet or higher shelves for items you use less often, such as special occasion outfits or heavy winter clothing.

7. Additional Pro Tips

  • Label Everything: Labeling shelves, bins, and baskets make finding and returning items to their proper place easier.

  • Color Coding: Organize clothes by color within each category for a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate closet.

  • Lighting: Good lighting is crucial. Install bright, energy-efficient lighting to clearly see and easily access your wardrobe.

  • Regular Maintenance: Set a regular schedule to tidy up your closet. A monthly or seasonal review can prevent clutter from accumulating.

Getting your closet organized like a pro isn't just about cleaning it up; it's about creating a system that fits your lifestyle and choices. With these expert tips, you can turn your closet into a space that looks cool and makes your daily routine smoother. Remember, the goal is to create a closet that's easy to use and maintain, making it easier for you to start each day looking your best.

What order do you hang clothes in your closet?

Organizing your closet is not just about making it look neat; it's about creating a system that makes your daily routine easier and more efficient. One key aspect is how you hang your clothes. The right order can save you time and make selecting outfits a breeze. Let's delve into an effective method for hanging clothes in your closet.

1. By Classification: Start by grouping your clothes by type. This means hanging all your shirts together, followed by pants, skirts, dresses, etc. This classification system allows you to find the type of garment you’re looking for easily.

2. From Light to Dark: Within each classification, organize your clothes by color, from light to dark. This color coordination not only gives your closet a harmonious and appealing look but also simplifies the process of matching outfits. You’ll quickly spot the color you need for your outfit palette.

3. By Sleeve Length: In each color, organize your garments by sleeve length. For example, start with sleeveless tops, then short sleeves, followed by long sleeves. This method is particularly useful for shirts, as it allows you to see what options are available for the current weather or occasion.

How do I make my closet feel luxurious?

Transforming your closet into a luxurious retreat is about attention to detail and infusing the space with elements of elegance and comfort. Let's expand on how you can enhance the luxuriousness of your closet, turning it into a sanctuary where fashion and opulence meet.

1. Invest in High-Quality Hangers

  • Material Matters: Choose hangers made from premium materials like solid wood, velvet, or sturdy metal. Not only are they more durable, but they also lend a sophisticated look to your closet.

  • Consistency is Key: Uniform hangers not only present your clothes more elegantly but also bring a sense of order and refinement.

  • Specialized Hangers: Consider having specific types of hangers for different garments – padded ones for delicate items, sturdy wooden hangers for suits and coats, and clips for skirts and pants.

2. Luxurious Lighting Upgrades

  • Chandeliers and Pendants: A statement lighting fixture, like a small chandelier or an elegant pendant light, can instantly elevate the space. Choose a design that reflects your personal style and complements the overall décor of the room.

  • Task Lighting: Install smaller lights, such as LED strips or puck lights, inside the closet for better visibility. This is particularly useful in deeper closets or for shelves and drawers.

  • Dimmer Switches: Adding dimmers allows you to adjust the mood of the space. Soft lighting can create a relaxed, boutique-like atmosphere.

3. Incorporate Personal Touches

  • Plush Rugs: A high-quality rug not only feels luxurious underfoot but also adds warmth and texture to the space. Choose a material and design that complements your closet’s interior.

  • Scented Candles and Diffusers: Fragrance is a powerful element in creating a luxurious atmosphere. Choose a scent that you love and that enhances the feeling of opulence and relaxation.

  • Stylish Seating: A beautiful ottoman or a chic chaise lounge not only serves a practical purpose but also adds to the luxurious feel. It's a perfect spot for putting on shoes or planning outfits.

4. Additional Elements of Luxury

  • Elegant Wallpaper or Paint: Consider a high-end wallpaper or a fresh coat of paint in a rich hue to add depth and luxury to your closet walls.

  • Mirrors: Full-length mirrors or mirrored panels not only make the space appear larger but also add a touch of glamour.

  • Artwork and Decor: Include a few pieces of art or decorative items that you love. These personal touches make the space feel more curated and indulgent.

  • Custom Cabinetry: If your budget allows, custom shelves and drawers designed to fit your space and needs can significantly enhance the luxury of your closet.

  • Velvet Lined Drawers: For a truly luxurious touch, line your drawers with velvet. It’s perfect for jewelry and accessories and adds a rich texture.

5. Maintenance and Organization

  • Keep It Pristine: Regularly clean and declutter your closet to maintain its luxurious feel. A well-organized, tidy space naturally feels more opulent.

  • Thoughtful Arrangement: Arrange your clothing and accessories in a way that is both visually pleasing and practical. Group items by type, color, or occasion, and keep your most cherished pieces in prominent places.

Creating a fancy closet means combining function with personal style and elegance. It's a place where you can enjoy dressing up and appreciate your wardrobe. To make it happen, you need to invest in high-quality essentials, add some personal touches, and keep it organized and tidy. Once you're done, your closet will be a luxurious extension of your personal style and a beloved part of your home.

How do I make my closet look like a boutique?

Turning your closet into a boutique-like space is a fantastic way to make getting ready each day feel like a special event. It's about more than just organization; it's about creating an atmosphere that celebrates your personal style and showcases your favorite pieces. Let's dive into how you can expand upon these ideas to transform your closet into a chic and inviting boutique.

1. Showcase Your Favorites

  • Elegant Display Solutions: Utilize open shelving, glass-front cabinets, or hanging racks to showcase your favorite items. Think of how a boutique highlights its most beautiful pieces - your eye-catching items should be front and center.

  • Lighting is Key: Install small spotlights or LED strips to highlight these areas. Proper lighting can make your favorite pieces sparkle and make your closet luxurious.

  • Rotate Regularly: Just like a boutique changes its display, rotate your featured items seasonally or whenever you feel like refreshing your space.

2. Adopt a Consistent Theme

  • Color Scheme: Choose a color palette for your closet interiors. This could be a monochromatic scheme, neutral tones, or a subtle mix of complementary colors. The aim is to create a backdrop that lets your clothing stand out.

  • Thematic Decor: If you have a particular style you adore, like vintage or minimalism, let this guide your choice of storage, hangers, and decor.

  • Harmonious Materials: Consistent use of materials, like all-wood shelving or brass accents, can tie the space together beautifully.

3. Accessorize Your Space

4. Additional Boutique Flair

  • Seating Area: If space allows, add a small ottoman or elegant chair. This not only adds to the boutique feel but also gives you a place to sit while getting dressed.

  • Artwork and Mirrors: Incorporate artwork or a statement mirror. This adds personality and depth, transforming the space from a mere storage area to a stylish sanctuary.

  • Scent and Sound: Don't forget the other senses. A subtle fragrance via diffusers or scented sachets and soft background music can complete the boutique experience.

  • Thoughtful Organization: Arrange clothing and accessories not just by type but also by grouping them by how you wear them. For example, putting together pieces that work well for work or leisure.

5. Maintain and Curate

  • Regularly Curate Your Collection: Keep your closet boutique-like by regularly assessing your wardrobe. Remove items that no longer fit your style or needs.

  • Keep it Pristine: Ensure your space is always tidy, and items are well-cared for, just as they would be in a high-end boutique.

Turning your boring closet into a fancy boutique is all about creating a space that feels personal and luxurious. It's a place where you can keep your clothes organized while also celebrating your style. These tips can help transform your closet from a dull storage space into a reflection of your unique personality. Plus, getting dressed can become the best part of your day!

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How Make Over A Small Closet: Tips & Tricks!