How to Look Trendy in Your 50s

Just because you are over 50 doesn’t mean you have to give up style. In fact, your 50s (and beyond) can be a great time to experiment with your fashion choices and feel confident in your own skin.

I’ve created a helpful guide to keep you looking and feeling stylish and up-to-date!

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1. Embrace Your Personal Style

Discover Who You Are

Your fashion sense reflects your life's journey, influenced by your experiences, memories, and insights. Consider the items in your wardrobe reflect you and your personality. Which outfits make you feel the most 'you'?

Your Personal Style

Trends come and go, but your personal style remains constant. It may evolve as you grow and change, but it's always rooted in your distinctive style. If you’re not sure what your style is, check out How to Find Your Own Style.

Be Authentic

In our fast-paced, trend-driven world, authenticity stands out. Your genuine style, which is a combination of your past experiences and tastes, is what sets you apart. Celebrate that individuality, knowing it’s what makes you unique.

Tune Out the Noise

The constant stream of 'latest trends' from social media and fashion magazines makes it easy to get swayed. While drawing inspiration from these sources is great, it's important to remember that your style isn't about fitting into a mold. It's about reflecting your inner self to the world.

Trust Your Instincts

Your gut feeling is powerful. When shopping or sorting through your wardrobe, trust your instincts. If an item doesn't feel like “you,'’ it probably isn’t. On the other hand, if you're drawn to a piece, even if it's unconventional or different from what you usually wear, it might reflect an evolving personal style. Embrace it!

Next Step

Not sure what your personal style is? Check out my guide on figuring out your style. Together we’ll uncover your style and fashion that feels right for you in just 3 simple words!

2. Choose Quality Over Quantity

High-quality pieces are crafted with attention to detail and made from durable materials. When you invest in these items, you're not just buying a product but purchasing longevity. These pieces can stand the test of time regarding wear and style.

Fast Fashion's Hidden Costs

While fast fashion offers the allure of trendy pieces at accessible prices, there are hidden costs. These can include environmental impact due to rapid production and waste and potential ethical concerns related to labor practices. Additionally, fast-fashion items tend to wear out quickly, leading to more frequent replacements.

Timeless Versatility

Classic pieces offer versatility. A well-tailored blazer, a perfect-fitting pair of jeans, or a timeless handbag can be paired with multiple outfits for various occasions. This adaptability means you can achieve more looks with fewer items.

Cost-Per-Wear Perspective

Consider the cost-per-wear when buying a piece. Let’s take, for example, the quality blazer featured above.

A high-quality item might have a steeper upfront cost, but if worn frequently over several years, its cost per wear becomes significantly lower than a cheaper, less durable item that needs frequent replacing.

Let’s take a look at this collection of fast fashion items. Added up, they cost the same as the blazer. But looked at over the long term, they will cost much more per wear than the quality blazer.

Mindful Shopping

Choosing quality over quantity often means adopting a more mindful approach to shopping. This involves carefully considering purchases, researching brands, and understanding the materials and craftsmanship behind each product.

Emotional Value

Quality pieces often carry more emotional value. They become staples in your wardrobe, carrying memories of events, celebrations, and milestones. Over time, they might become heirlooms, passed down to future generations.

Elevating Your Wardrobe

Incorporating quality pieces elevates your entire wardrobe. They often fit better, look more polished, and provide a foundation to style other items.

As we mature, our perspective on many things changes, including fashion. Embracing quality over quantity is not just a style choice but a reflection of a deeper appreciation for lasting value, sustainability, and timeless elegance.

3. Update Your Basics

The basics in your wardrobe are often overlooked, but they play a crucial role. They might not be the most eye-catching pieces, but they are foundational. Acting as the backbone of most outfits, they play a crucial role in helping other items shine and creating a cohesive look.

The Timeless Trio – Shirt, Blazer, Jeans

  1. Crisp White Shirt: A white shirt is the ultimate chameleon. Perfect for a business meeting, paired with a skirt or trousers, and equally suited for a casual day out with jeans. Ensure it's of a comfortable material and fits well, not too tight nor too loose.

  2. Tailored Blazer: Whether you're dressing up for an important presentation or just elevating a casual outfit, a blazer is your best friend. The key is in the fit – it should contour your body without restricting movement.

  3. Well-fitted Jeans: Gone are the days when jeans were just for casual Fridays. With various cuts and shades available, find one that complements your body shape and can transition from day to night like these from Not Your Daughter’s Jeans.

The Power of Basics

With these foundational items in place, you unlock a world of fashion possibilities. You can experiment with layering, introduce bold patterns or colors, and switch up accessories, all while knowing that your basics will seamlessly tie everything together.

Evolving Your Basics

Just because they're called 'basics' doesn't mean they're static. Fashion evolves, as do these staple items' cuts, fits, and materials. Every few years, it's worth revisiting and updating these pieces to ensure they remain contemporary.

Investment Perspective

Given the frequency with which you'll wear these basics, it's wise to view them as investments. Opt for quality, ensuring they're not only stylish but also durable and comfortable.

While chasing trends can be a fun aspect of fashion, never underestimate the power and importance of updated basics. They provide a canvas upon which you can paint your style story, ensuring you're always on-trend and feeling confident.

4. Experiment with Accessories

Accessories are the finishing touches that transform an outfit from basic to brilliant. They provide the nuances that express your personality, making a statement without you saying a word. They're like the cherry on top, the final brushstroke on a masterpiece.

Diverse Accessory Options

  1. Statement Necklaces: A statement necklace can be a conversation starter. Whether a chunky, bejeweled piece or a sleek, metallic design, it can draw attention and elevate even the simplest of outfits.

  2. Chic Hats: From wide-brimmed summer hats to cozy winter beanies or elegant fedoras, hats are both functional and fashionable. They can add a touch of sophistication or playfulness to your ensemble.

  3. Bold Jewelry: Apart from necklaces, consider bold earrings, chunky bracelets, or unique rings. These pieces can help express your personal style, be it bohemian, minimalist, or anywhere in between.

  4. Vibrant Scarves: Scarves are versatile wonders. Draped around the neck, tied as a headband, or adorned on a handbag, a vibrant scarf can introduce color and pattern to an outfit, making it pop.

The Versatility Factor

The beauty of accessories is their versatility. A single accessory can be styled in various ways across different outfits. For example, a long necklace can be doubled up for a layered effect, or a scarf can be worn traditionally around the neck or as a belt.

Mood Enhancers

Accessories aren't just about the visual appeal; they also have the power to influence your mood. A favorite pair of earrings or a cherished bracelet can be a source of joy, confidence, or comfort.

Risk and Reward

Fashion is as much about experimentation as it is about expression. Taking risks with accessories can lead to surprisingly delightful outcomes. Whether mixing metals, combining textures, or playing with contrasting colors, the world of accessories is your playground.

Building Your Collection

Start with a few versatile pieces that resonate with your personal style, then gradually expand your collection. Attend local craft fairs or artisanal markets; often, you'll find unique, handcrafted pieces that no one else will have.

Accessories are the unsung heroes in the fashion world. They hold the power to transform, elevate, and express. By experimenting with them, you're not just updating your wardrobe but evolving your personal style narrative.

5. Play with Color and Patterns

Mature fashion has often been mistakenly associated with subdued, monochrome palettes. But age should never be a barrier to playing with the vibrant spectrum of colors and the myriad patterns available in the fashion world. In fact, it's time to embrace them with open arms.

The Psychology of Color

Colors don't just enhance your look; they profoundly impact emotions and perceptions. Bright hues like sunny yellows or radiant reds can boost your mood, exude energy, and influence how others perceive you.

Brightening Up with Hues

  1. Strategic Pops of Color: You don't need to overhaul your entire wardrobe. Incorporating colorful accessories, shoes, or even a bold lipstick can transform an outfit. Think cobalt blue handbags, emerald green shoes, or a scarlet scarf.

  2. Seasonal Shades: Adjust your color choices with the seasons. While pastels might uplift in spring, deep jewel tones can be striking in autumn.

Navigating Patterns

  1. Florals: From delicate blossoms to bold blooms, florals are an evergreen choice. They can be feminine, lively, and evoke a sense of freshness. Pair with solid colors to let the pattern shine.

  2. Stripes: Vertical stripes can elongate the silhouette, while horizontal stripes can be used to emphasize or widen certain areas. They're classic, versatile, and can be both casual and formal.

  3. Checks and Plaids: These patterns have transcended time, moving from traditional Scottish kilts to contemporary fashion runways. Whether it's a checkered blazer or a plaid skirt, they introduce a touch of structure and flair.

Complementing Your Complexion

While experimenting, finding colors and patterns that complement your skin tone is important. Some shades can brighten your complexion, making you appear more radiant, while others might render a washed-out look.

Mix and Match

Don't be afraid to mix patterns and colors. A striped shirt under a floral jacket or a polka-dotted scarf with a checkered dress can be playful and chic. However, ensure there's a common color to tie the elements together for cohesiveness.

Fashion is an avenue for self-expression. As you mature, let your wardrobe evolve into a reflection of your vibrant spirit. Playing with colors and patterns is not just a fashion choice; it's a declaration of a life lived colorfully.

6. Mind Your Fit

Before discussing colors, patterns, or fabrics, it is essential to prioritize one thing in fashion: the fit. How your clothing drapes and contours to your body can make or break an outfit. Even the most exquisite piece can lose its charm if it doesn't fit well.

Why Fit Matters

  1. Comfort is Key: Properly fitted clothing ensures comfort. When you're at ease in what you're wearing, it shows. You move with confidence, grace, and authenticity.

  2. Enhancing Your Silhouette: Clothing that fits well accentuates your strengths and can cleverly disguise any areas you might be self-conscious about. Whether you aim to elongate your legs, highlight your waist, or accentuate your shoulders, the right fit will achieve that.

  3. Professional Perception: A well-fitted outfit exudes a sense of attention to detail and discipline, especially in professional settings. It subtly communicates that you're meticulous and value quality.

Navigating the Fit Journey

  1. Understanding Sizes: Clothing sizes aren't universal. A size in one brand might fit differently in another. Thus, focus on how the clothing feels and looks rather than sticking to a specific number or letter.

  2. Exploring Custom Tailoring: Investing in tailoring can make a world of difference. These minor changes can transform how an item looks and feels, whether it's adjusting a hem, taking in a waist, or altering a sleeve length.

  3. Essential Fittings: While not every piece needs tailoring, essentials like blazers, trousers, and dresses, especially for special occasions, are worth the extra effort and expense to ensure a perfect fit.

Fit Beyond Clothing

It's not just clothes that need to fit well. Accessories, like belts or hats, and even shoes play a role. A shoe that fits perfectly can improve posture and reduce discomfort, while the right belt can combine an outfit, literally and figuratively.

In the fashion world, where trends come and go, the importance of fit remains constant. Prioritizing it ensures you're always in style, comfortable, and confident. The adage goes, "It's not what you wear, but how you wear it." And the foundation of the 'how' is invariably the fit.

7. Embrace Natural Beauty

The beauty world is rapidly evolving, moving away from rigid standards and cookie-cutter ideals. Instead, there's a growing appreciation for authenticity, individuality, and the beauty of age and experience. Embracing natural beauty isn't just a trend—it's a movement towards self-acceptance and authenticity.

Makeup: Enhance, Don't Mask

  1. Prioritize Skin Health: A radiant complexion starts with skincare. Investing time in a skincare routine tailored to your needs will reduce the need for heavy makeup. Think hydration, sun protection, and regular exfoliation to maintain a youthful glow.

  2. The Less-is-More Approach: Natural makeup doesn't mean no makeup. It's about using products sparingly to enhance your features rather than conceal them. Opt for tinted moisturizers, a touch of mascara, and a soft lip tint for a fresh-faced look.

  3. Focus on Features: Identify your favorite facial features and subtly emphasize them. Maybe it's a sweep of bronzer to highlight cheekbones, a dab of highlighter on the brow bone, or a soft eyeliner to accentuate your eyes.

Hair: Celebrate Your Crowning Glory

  1. Natural Textures: Whether you have curls, waves, or straight hair, embrace your natural texture. It's less about perfection and more about showcasing the authentic you. With the right products and care, every hair type has its unique beauty.

  2. Graceful Grays: If your hair is graying, consider embracing it. Silver strands can be striking and sophisticated. You can enhance the transition with styles and treatments that make your gray look vibrant and shiny.

  3. Less is Often More: Over-styling and excessive heat treatments can damage hair. Opt for protective styles, use heat protectant sprays when necessary, and consider air-drying your hair occasionally.

The Confidence Connection

Embracing natural beauty is intrinsically linked to self-confidence. It's about recognizing and celebrating your unique features, imperfections included. The beauty in this approach is that when you're genuine, it radiates from within, often making you feel more connected to yourself and leaving a lasting impression on others.

Natural beauty isn't about neglecting makeup or hair care; it's a conscious decision to enhance rather than hide. It's a journey of self-discovery, appreciation, and self-love. As the world shifts towards valuing authenticity, remember that your natural self is your most beautiful.

8. Stay Updated

Fashion is a living, breathing entity that never remains static. Like the seasons, it constantly changes, mirroring the zeitgeist of times, societal shifts, and technological advancements. You can ensure your style reflects the changing world by staying up-to-date with fashion trends.

Why Keeping Updated Matters

  1. Personal Growth: As you evolve in your personal and professional life, your fashion choices should reflect that growth. By staying updated, you're allowing your wardrobe to evolve with you.

  2. Expressing Relevance: Being in tune with current fashion trends lets you communicate that you're aware of and engaged with the contemporary world. It's a subtle nod to your adaptability and relevance.

  3. Expanding Choices: By being aware of the many styles, materials, and designs that emerge, you're giving yourself a wider palette of choices to express yourself.

How to Stay Updated

  1. Fashion Influencers: Social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are replete with fashion influencers. Seek out those in your age bracket who resonate with your style and values. Their insights can introduce you to new brands, styles, and ways to wear items.

  2. Fashion Magazines and Websites: These traditional and digital sources remain on the pulse of the fashion world. They cover a spectrum of trends from high fashion to streetwear and provide a broader context of the fashion landscape.

  3. Online Fashion Communities: Platforms like Reddit, fashion-focused blogs, and discussion boards allow interactive engagement. You can ask questions, share personal style tips, and get feedback from peers and fashion enthusiasts.

  4. Attend Fashion Events: If possible, attend fashion weeks, trunk shows, or pop-up shops. These events provide firsthand exposure to the latest in fashion and an opportunity to network with fellow fashion lovers.

Balancing Trend and Personal Style

While staying updated is essential, balancing current trends with your style is equally crucial. Remember, not every trend will align with your aesthetic, and that's okay. The goal isn't to adopt every new fashion wave but to find those that enhance and resonate with your style.

Fashion is a journey, not a destination. By staying updated, you ensure your fashion voyage is filled with exploration, excitement, and evolution. Embrace the new, but always stay true to yourself.

9. Easy Elegance

While runway models and glossy magazine spreads often showcase high heels and intricate outfits, one essential aspect sometimes gets overshadowed: comfort. The truth is the most stylish individuals often swear by this principle. They understand that true elegance emerges when you're at ease with what you wear.

Why Prioritize Comfort

  1. Confidence Boost: When you're comfortable, you move differently. There's a natural swagger, a bounce in your step, and a radiant glow that stems from feeling good in your skin (and your outfit!).

  2. Sustainability: Clothing choices that prioritize comfort often have longevity. You're more likely to reach for that soft, well-fitting sweater or those comfy shoes repeatedly, ensuring your fashion choices are sustainable and cost-effective in the long run.

  3. Health Benefits: Tight clothing or ill-fitting shoes can have adverse health implications, from back issues to circulation problems. Prioritizing comfort is also prioritizing your well-being.

Navigating the Comfort-Conscious Path

  1. Shoes that Support: Footwear can make or break comfort. Seek out shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and a fit that allows your feet to breathe and move. From stylish sneakers to cushioned heels, there's no dearth of options that marry comfort with chic.

  2. Breathable Fabrics: Opt for natural materials like cotton, linen, and silk, especially in warmer months. They're soft on the skin, wick away moisture, and allow your body to regulate its temperature more efficiently.

  3. Flexible Fits: Clothing doesn't have to be baggy to be comfortable. Look for pieces that offer flexibility, like stretchy waistbands, adjustable straps, or flowing silhouettes that provide freedom of movement without compromising on style.

  4. Personal Touch: Comfort is deeply personal. What feels snug and cozy to one person might feel restrictive to another. It's essential to understand and listen to your body's preferences. Experiment with different fits, materials, and styles until you find your comfort zone.

Elegance isn't just about looking the part; it's about feeling it too. When you ease into your style choices, prioritizing comfort along the way, you're not just making a fashion statement but a lifestyle one. Because at the intersection of comfort and style, magic happens.

10. Don't Fear the New

The world of fashion thrives on innovation and change. It encourages us always to grow, challenge limits, and challenge the status quo. While classic styles are revered, the excitement lies in exploring new fabrics and accessories.

Why Embrace the New

  1. Refresh & Renew: Our wardrobe needs updates just like our scenery or playlist. Adding new pieces can revive old outfits.

  2. Discover Hidden Gems: It's always worth giving something new a try. Who knows, that funky accessory or fresh style might just become your new favorite go-to or a beloved signature piece.

  3. Boost Confidence: Overcoming the initial hesitation and embracing something new can be a confidence booster. It's a testament to your adaptability and open-mindedness, qualities celebrated in and outside the world of fashion.

Navigating New Style Waters

  1. Start Small: If you're hesitant, begin with baby steps. A new accessory, a different type of footwear, or even a fresh color can be less intimidating than diving headfirst into a completely unfamiliar style.

  2. Seek Inspiration: Browse through fashion magazines, follow influencers, or join fashion communities to get ideas. Seeing how others style and incorporate new trends can provide a roadmap for your fashion exploration.

  3. Trust Your Instincts: While it's great to experiment, always stay true to yourself. If something doesn't feel "you", it's okay to pass on it. The goal is to enhance your style, not change who you are.

  4. Get Feedback: Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can offer a new perspective. Share your new look with a trusted friend or family member, and they might provide insights or suggestions you hadn't considered.

Fashion is as much about self-expression as it is about aesthetics. By diving into the fashion frontier and embracing the new, you're not just updating your wardrobe; you're telling a story of growth, adventure, and curiosity. So, as you stand at the edge of fashion's vast ocean, remember: fortune favors the bold!

Final Thoughts

Being in your 50s doesn't mean sidelining yourself from the fashion game. It's a time to embrace the depth of your style experience and showcase it to the world. Remember, fashion is about expressing yourself, and there's no age limit to being fabulous!

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Over 50? How to Look Trendy and Stylish!