Over 50? How to Dress When Losing Weight

Are you noticing those sneaky pounds creeping up on you, especially during the menopause phase? Don't worry - I've got your back!

I am here to share my personal secrets on how I shed a whopping 60 pounds during this time. And that's not all, my stylish friend. I also have some fantastic fashion tips for you to rock while losing weight without breaking the bank. Trust me, looking and feeling fabulous during this journey is possible, and I'll show you how!

You can watch the video or read the blog post below.

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How I Lost Weight

#1. Don’t Diet - Make Subtle Long-Term Changes

One of the biggest hurdles I faced in my weight loss journey was dieting. It was frustrating and deflating when I would lose weight on a diet only to regain it after going off it. Instead of dieting, I made minor tweaks in my daily food intake that had long-term, positive results.

Firstly, I cut back on alcohol, sweets, and snacking. I also got rid of any unhealthy foods that were tempting me at home, such as potato chips and candies. I took out all the pain points that were holding me back. Doing this eliminated the temptation to indulge in these unhealthy treats. Even if I did feel tempted, it quickly deflated because I didn't have them around. If I did, I might have indulged and put on more weight.

I only kept food in the house that I actually enjoyed, such as dark chocolate and popcorn, which are my go-to treats. I have dark chocolate daily and popcorn with some olive oil and salt. It's a great, healthy snack that I can eat every day without worrying about putting on weight.

So, if you're struggling with dieting and want to make some small, long-term changes to your food intake, try eliminating unhealthy temptations from your home and keeping only healthy foods you enjoy. Trust me; it works wonders.

getting a dog can help with your weight loss journey

#2. Get a Dog

Another thing that really helped me lose weight was getting a dog. I got a puppy, and as anyone who has had a puppy knows, they keep you really busy. She needed a lot of attention and required me to be up and down constantly, almost like I was exercising. Taking her for walks also meant that I walked for much longer than I usually would have. Playing with toys and getting underneath the couch to retrieve them also meant that I was constantly moving and getting some exercise.

When you think about how much you move your body when you have a puppy or dog, it's incredible. It's an excellent way to get extra physical activity and lose weight. So, if you're looking for a fun and effective way to get moving, consider getting a furry friend.

#3. Work or Walk Technique

Another thing that helped me stay active and lose weight was a simple rule I employed in my head - work or walk. On days that I'm filming or doing something involving a lot of physical activity, I count that as my daily exercise. When I'm not doing that, I make sure to go for a walk, even if it's just a quick half-mile or mile-long walk. On other days, I might go for three or four miles.

By setting this rule for myself, I don't question whether I should work or walk; I know I have to do it. I even started marking it down in my planner to hold myself accountable. This has been a fun and effective way to keep me active and lose weight. So, if you're struggling to stay active, try setting a similar rule for yourself and hold yourself accountable. It's a great way to stay motivated and achieve weight loss goals!

choose exercise you enjoy

#4. Choose Exercise You Enjoy

One thing that helped me lose weight was finding physical activities I enjoyed. I'm not a big fan of jogging or many other exercises, but I found the ones I liked and incorporated them into my weekly routine.

One of my favorite exercises is Pilates. I love the stretching, and it doesn't feel like I'm working out. It feels great and improves my mobility. Another activity I love doing is paddle boarding. I live on the water and paddle around with my dog on my board, getting miles of exercise and enjoying the water and nature around me.

I also have a little cruiser bike that I ride around for three or four miles, even if it's just for 15 minutes. It's an easy and enjoyable way to get some exercise and make me feel good. For me, the most important thing was finding physical activities that made me feel good, cleared my head, and got me out into nature.

So, if you're struggling to find exercises you enjoy, don't give up! Keep trying new things until you find what works for you. It's essential to find physical activities that you love and make you feel good, as they'll help you stay motivated and achieve your weight loss goals.

#5. Use a Meal Service

Another thing that really helped me with my weight loss journey was using HelloFresh, and I'm excited to tell you about it since they're the sponsor of the video above! Even though I'm not a chef, and my husband hates my cooking, HelloFresh was a game-changer for me.

With HelloFresh, everything comes prepared, and you can choose all of your meals up to a month in advance, so it's like set it and forget it. The food gets delivered, and you don't have to go to the grocery store or buy excess ingredients. Everything you need to make your entire meal is provided, and the meals are delicious!

I can't tell you how many recipes I've tried where I've spent a lot of money buying all the ingredients at the grocery store, and it's lackluster when I make it. But with HelloFresh, every single time, the meals are perfectly sized for my family, which includes my husband, myself, and my college-age daughter, who may or may not be around. You can cater the meals to however large or small your family is.

I love the whole process of mixing and chopping, and even though the meals are quick and easy to prepare, they provide a little mental downtime in my day. The recipes have everything planned out, so there's no guessing. You just put everything together and follow the instructions and boom! You have a fantastic meal that's delicious and healthy!

So, why not give HelloFresh a try? They offer 40 new options every week, so you never get tired of the recipes you can make, and they only take 15 to 20 minutes to prepare. You'll only find fresh ingredients with HelloFresh's recipes, and the ingredients travel from the farm to your home in less than seven days, so you know they're fresh!

If you want to try them, go to HelloFresh.com and use code SHOPPINGOC65 for 65% off your order, plus free shipping. Some of their delicious meals include Falafel Power Bowls, Seared Steak and Potatoes with Béarnaise Sauce, and Southwest Pork and Bean Burritos. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your HelloFresh journey today.

#6. Get a Check Up

Next on my list of things that helped me lose weight was going for a checkup with my doctor. Since I had just gone through menopause, I wanted to make sure that everything was okay with my health and that there weren't any underlying issues that could hinder my weight loss journey.

I wanted my doctor to have a baseline of my health, so he did a full workup on everything. I went for a checkup to ensure that my exercise was okay and that no health issues could impact my weight loss progress.

If you're going through menopause or planning to start your weight loss journey, I highly recommend a checkup with your doctor. Knowing where you stand with your health is essential, and having a baseline will help you track your progress and make informed decisions about your diet and exercise routine.

positive self talk

#7. Practice Positive Self-Talk

The last thing I did to lose weight was practice positive self-talk, and I honestly think it was one of the most significant things in my entire weight loss journey. I changed my inner dialogue from negative to positive, making all the difference.

Instead of walking by the mirror and criticizing myself, I started saying positive things like, "Oh my gosh, you look so cute today," or "Thank you, body, for everything you've been through and survived at this point in your life." I learned to appreciate my body, no matter what it has gone through, and treat it with respect and love.

It might feel silly at first, but the more you practice positive self-talk, the easier it becomes, and the more it influences your everyday activities, life, and outlook on everything. You're giving your body and yourself gratitude, thanking them for everything that has gotten you this far in your life.

It's almost like writing in a gratitude journal, but you're telling your body and yourself how much you love and appreciate them. It's mind-blowing how much positive self-talk can influence your life. So, start practicing positive self-talk today, and thank your body for all it has done for you. You are beautiful, and you deserve to feel good about yourself!

wardrobe Changes while losing weight

Now, I want to talk about the wardrobe changes I made because losing 60 pounds meant a lot of significant wardrobe changes. I went from a size 16-18 down to a size 8-10, which was a big transition.

But here's the thing - it doesn't matter how much the numbers change or your size. What matters is that you feel good in the clothes you wear. So, if a large fits you better than a medium, go for it! Wear what looks good on you and makes you feel confident.

My most significant wardrobe change was prioritizing comfort and confidence over clothing size. I stopped squeezing myself into smaller sizes and started wearing clothes that made me feel good, regardless of the number on the tag.

So, if you're going through a similar weight loss journey, remember that it's not about the size - it's about feeling good in your own skin. Wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable, and don't worry about the number on the tag. You deserve to feel amazing!

Quick story: I indulged and ate whatever I wanted during the holidays, gaining 15 pounds in just a few months. We had much to celebrate, including our 30th wedding anniversary, so I went all out. However, I realized it was time to get back on track when I stepped on the scale and saw the extra weight. Therefore, I will implement these practical strategies immediately to help me transition to changing sizes.

Here are the things I did:

#1. Remove all clothes that DON’T fit (big or small)

To streamline my wardrobe and make it easier to get dressed, I removed all of the clothes that don't currently fit my body. I took out three full garbage bags of clothes that are too small for me at the moment and placed them in my garage so I don't have to see them every day.

Now, when I look into my closet, I only see clothes that fit my body today, and I no longer have to search through items that I hope to fit into, or that may fit if I gain more weight. Every piece of clothing I see here and in the rest of my closet are items that actually fit me right now. Of course, I can always bring those clothes back into my wardrobe if I lose weight, but I'm only keeping things that fit me now.

#2. Only keep clothes that You feel good wearing

You want to keep only clothes that make you feel good when you wear them. Even if a shirt is cute, if something feels off every time you wear it, get rid of it. It won't do you any favors or suit you at any point, so take it out of your wardrobe.

#3. Dress for your body type

When you're losing weight, dressing for your body type is essential. If you've watched my recent video on dressing for your body shape, you can find it here (insert link). Dressing for your body shape can significantly affect how you look and feel. As you lose weight, remember your body shape and how to dress to accentuate and balance it.

#4. Buy basics to get you through the short term

If you're embarking on a significant weight loss journey, as I did with a 60-pound loss, you'll likely experience a transition period. In my case, I didn't notice much difference until I lost about 30-40 pounds, and then suddenly, my clothes were saggy and falling off me.

You may have a different experience, but you want to consider your weight loss journey as a transition time, like pregnancy. You wouldn't go without any clothes during pregnancy, so consider buying some essential pieces to get you through this transition. You don't need to break the bank and can buy affordable pieces from stores like Target or Walmart.

#5. Invest in athleisure wear and daily clothes instead of outfits for events

Consider buying leggings, jeans, t-shirts, blazers, skirts, and dresses that fit you now and can mix and match with clothes already in your closet. By purchasing these basic pieces, you'll have more outfit options and save money. Consider your daily lifestyle and invest in pieces that suit your activities.

Athleisure wear is an excellent option if you're mostly running errands or walking the dog. Invest in career basics if you have a job, and mix and match them with other casual and athletic pieces. Instead of splurging on one fancy outfit for a specific event, consider buying versatile pieces you can dress up or down and repurpose for different occasions.

#6. Treat yourself to accessories

As you progress in your weight loss journey, treating yourself is essential. Whether you've lost two, 20, or 40 pounds, it's worth investing in some great accessories that will serve you for years to come. Instead of spending a ton of money on a new blouse that may not fit in six months, consider purchasing cute accessories such as jewelry, bags, shoes, shawls, and scarves.

These accessories will elevate your outfits and boost your confidence, regardless of weight changes. So, go ahead and treat yourself to something special!

#7. Do your grooming, hair, and makeup DAILY

Do this for yourself, not anyone else!

Another helpful tip when losing weight is to take the time to do your hair and makeup. You don't have to go all out with full makeup, but adding a little lip color or mascara can make a difference. Making an effort to look cute and put together can give you a mental boost of motivation. Take a moment to appreciate yourself in the mirror and acknowledge your progress, even if it's just a few pounds. These small changes can add up and keep you motivated on your weight loss journey.

#8. Truly Love Yourself

The next point that helped me during my weight loss journey was not being too hard on myself when looking in the mirror. Instead of criticizing myself for not losing enough weight in certain areas or having a bit of extra fat, I started congratulating myself for everything that I had achieved so far.

I made a pact with myself to continue this journey and support myself through every five-pound milestone. I also congratulated myself for every pound lost and did not beat myself up if I made a mistake or had a weekend where I overindulged.

One picture that stands out to me was taken after my mom died of breast cancer. I was her primary caretaker and was utterly emotionally and physically exhausted.

I was at my all-time high weight, and even though I made my own clothes because I was having trouble finding ones that fit, I didn't beat myself up for it. Instead, I was thankful for being there for my parents during such a difficult time and took a step back to focus on my own health and self-love.

#9. Recycle or Resell Your Clothes

I know some people worry about spending money on clothes during weight loss because they don't want them to go to waste. But there are many ways to eliminate clothes that don't fit anymore and even recoup some of the money spent. For instance, you can sell your clothes on websites like Poshmark, Depop, or ThreadUp.

You can donate them to Goodwill, homeless shelters, women's shelters, or even your local church or synagogue. These places will be grateful for the donation and put them to good use. So, instead of seeing it as a waste, consider it an opportunity to recycle and recoup some of the money spent on those clothes that served you during this time in your life.

#10. Use a Capsule Wardrobe

Utilizing a capsule wardrobe is essential while transitioning and losing weight. I have made videos about capsule wardrobes before, and the concept will help you maximize your closet and provide you with the most options of things you can wear. Instead of limiting yourself to only two outfits you've bought, a capsule wardrobe allows you to mix and match garments in your closet for almost unlimited outfit possibilities.

Do you have any tips on what you wore or did to lose weight? Let me know in the comments.

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