How to Apply Serums: Must Know Tips!

Let's talk about serums - those little bottles of wonder that promise to transform our skin.

They're not just another step in your skincare routine; they're power players. Loaded with active ingredients, serums tackle everything from fine lines to dark spots.

But here's the thing: to truly let these wonders work their magic, you must apply them correctly. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science, and I’m here to guide you through it.

So, let’s get into your most popular questions about applying serums for the best results to flawless skin.

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Benefits of serum on the face?

Serums are highly concentrated formulations designed to deliver potent active ingredients directly into the skin. They are excellent for targeting specific skin concerns like aging, hyperpigmentation, or dehydration. Due to their light texture, they penetrate deeply and can provide more targeted results than many other skincare products.

Related Post: Best Anti-Aging Serums

What is the correct way to apply serum?

To apply serum correctly, start by cleansing your face thoroughly. Take a few drops of the serum onto your fingertips and gently apply it to your face and neck. Use upward and outward motions, being careful not to tug or pull at the skin. Allow the serum to absorb fully before applying the next product in your routine.

How to apply serum the right way

Do you apply serum all over your face?

Yes, you should apply serum all over your face, focusing on areas that need attention. However, be cautious around the eye area, as some serums might be too intense for this delicate skin.

According to the dermatologist in the video below, using the quadrant method for applying serum is very effective.

With this method, you’ll apply one drop of serum for each quadrant of your face. Your face comprises four quadrants: left cheek, right cheek, forehead, and nose/chin.

You can apply a drop directly to the quadrant and then gently rub/pat it into that area. Or, you can put a drop on your fingertip and apply it to the quadrant. My favorite way to apply it is to put four drops into the palm of my hand and then apply the serum to each quadrant.

Should you rub or pat serum?

While rubbing or patting is acceptable, patting the serum onto the skin rather than rubbing it is generally recommended. Patting is gentler and can help the serum absorb more effectively without pulling at the skin.

Do you apply serum on a wet or dry face?

Apply serum to a clean and slightly damp face.

The moisture helps to lock in hydration and can aid in the absorption of the serum's active ingredients.

After applying serum to face, what to do?

Give the serum a few minutes to sink in.

After it's fully absorbed, follow up with a good moisturizer. This helps to seal in the serum and adds extra hydration, which is essential for healthy skin.

When to use serum day or night?

The timing of serum application depends on the type of serum you are using. Check the label – some are perfect for the day, others work best at night, and some can be used twice daily.

How to use face serum with moisturizer?

Always apply your serum BEFORE applying your moisturizer.

The moisturizer acts as a sealant for the serum and provides hydration, an essential step for maintaining skin health.

How to apply serum with dropper?

Use the dropper to dispense a few drops of serum onto your fingertips or directly onto your face. Avoid touching the dropper to your skin to keep it clean. Then, gently pat the serum into your skin.

Can I apply serum after moisturizer?

Always apply the serum before your moisturizer. The moisturizer can create a barrier, making it harder for the serum to penetrate the skin effectively.

Applying face serum might seem straightforward, but small nuances can make a big difference. By following these steps, you're not only improving the effectiveness of your serum but also enhancing your overall skincare routine. Remember, the key is consistency and gentle application. Happy skin is waiting!

What is your biggest reason for using a serum? Let me know in the comments below!

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How to apply serums for best results!
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