How Many Sets of Workout Clothes Do I Need?

When planning your closet space and clothing budget, you want to leave some space and money for workout clothes. They are an essential part of your wardrobe.

How many gym clothes do I need?

According to, 73% of Americans work out at least once a week, and our most popular exercises are running, weight lifting, and hiking.

So how many sets of workout clothes do you actually need? The answer varies for everyone because it is based on how often you workout.

Let’s say you workout three times a week. You won’t need as many gym clothes as someone who works out six days a week.

Considering you do laundry weekly, you’ll need an outfit for as often as you workout each week. So the person who works out three times should have three outfits, while the person who works out six times should have six outfits.

Running Clothes

Do workout clothes make a difference?

Workout clothes are important. Imagine going for a run either on a treadmill or outside, in everyday street clothes wearing jeans, a silk blouse, a regular bra, and a cute pair of heels.

First of all, the jeans will get sweaty and absorb the sweat so they will get stretched out, heavy, make you hot, and possibly chafe your inner thighs. Ouch.

As for the silk blouse, that will also absorb sweat and leave sweat stains that are difficult to get out. Plus, it will be sliding around while you are running.

Now let’s talk about the bra. According to, “when you run, your breasts can move up to 8 inches if not supported properly. This can lead to sagging breasts and torn ligaments in addition to causing back pain and discomfort.”

That said, you shouldn’t be wearing a regular bra to workout. A proper fitting and comfortable sports bra is a must.

Finally, let’s talk about those cute heels. They are great for wearing to work, meeting friends for drinks, or a night on the town. But wearing heels to workout is another story.

Not only can you cause severe back pain, but you can also get blisters and do damage to the ligaments in your feet. Running in heels should only be worn for occasions like this.

Okay, so that was a bit of an extreme outfit example that I just provided.

However, it’s important to realize there is a reason for workout clothes.

They are made to protect your body from the elements, wick moisture away from the body, and keep you comfortable so you can work out longer.

In addition, athletic wear is aesthetically pleasing so you can see the effect your workout has on your body.

What workout clothes do I need?

The workout clothes you need will depend on the type of exercise you do regularly.

Do you like hiking, paddle boarding, yoga, running, swimming, surfing, weight lifting, kayaking, rock climbing, biking, tennis, or dancing?

Your workout clothes will vary based on the activities you do.

For most activities (excluding swimming and surfing), you can usually start your first few workouts wearing leggings, a sports bra, and a workout top.

While you are exercising, take a look around and see what others are wearing. For example, if you are playing tennis, other players may be wearing tennis skirts or dresses.

By doing this, not only will you feel more comfortable, you’ll fit the vibe of your workout community, and make it easier to meet others working to achieve the same goals.

How often should you replace gym clothes?

Workout clothes are meant to last six months to one year. However, that also depends on how often you wear them.

Just as most bathing suits only last one season because the lycra/spandex wears out, you can expect the same results with most athletic wear.

What to wear for a workout

How many times can you wear workout clothes?

Most experts recommend you wash your athletic clothes after every workout to avoid bacteria building up on the clothes and getting on your skin.

Do you wash your clothes after every workout?

Get in the habit of putting your clothes in the laundry basket after a workout. Not only can wearing sweaty garments more than once cause you to itch, but it may also lead to yeast infections.

In addition, avoid putting your sweaty clothes back into your closet. These garments will attract moths which can destroy any natural fabrics such as wool, cotton or silk in your wardrobe.

It’s Your Turn

How many workout clothes do you have in your wardrobe? What type of exercises do you like to do? Let me know in the comments below.

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