How Do I Start Finding My Style?

You may feel like you don’t have a style, but I can promise you it’s easier to uncover your style than you think! And discovering your personal style is like unlocking a part of yourself that's been waiting to shine. The key to your style has been in you all this time; you just need to learn how to look for it.

I've walked this path myself and learned that it's so much more than just filling your closet with the latest trends. It's about figuring out how you want to present yourself to the world and feeling absolutely fabulous doing it. Let me guide you through finding your style, step by step, in a way that feels personal and tailored just for you.

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1. Get Inspired

First things first, let's look for some inspiration. I remember spending hours scrolling through Instagram and flipping through fashion magazines, feeling excited with every new image that resonated with me. I encourage you to do the same.

Next, create a mood board—it can be a physical one in your room or a digital one on your phone or computer. I love to use Pinterest for this job. Create a board and Pin anything and everything that catches your eye: outfits you adore, colors that speak to you, textures that intrigue you. This collage of inspiration will become the foundation of your style journey.

After you’ve Pinned a bunch of inspiring images, take note of trends that start to emerge. Are you drawn to a particular color, style, or fashion detail? Make note of all of those things because they are helping to identify YOUR style!

2. Consider Your Lifestyle

Your wardrobe should reflect your life—this is something I've always believed in. Take a moment to think about your daily routine. Are you hustling in a corporate environment, or are you crafting beautiful pieces in a studio? Your clothes need to not only express who you are but also support what you do.

I find that many of us feel stuck when we don’t adjust our wardrobe to fit our current lifestyle. Perhaps you used to work in an office, but now you work from home or are retired, yet your closet is still packed with all those corporate clothes. You need to move those OLD lifestyle clothes out of your closet and fill it only with the clothes that suit your lifestyle today.

This realization helped me see my wardrobe as something practical and beautiful. The key is to find comfortable clothes you love to wear that suit your lifestyle.

Related Post: How to Find Your Style + Free Printable Style Worksheet

3. Dive Into Your Closet

This step was a real eye-opener for me. Take everything out of your closet and really look at it.

  • Which pieces do you reach for over and over again? What do you like about those pieces?

  • Which ones have been gathering dust?

  • Which pieces are you holding onto for emotional reasons but you never wear?

  • Which ones did a friend talk you into buying, but they aren’t really your style?

  • Which ones did you buy because they were on sale or “a good deal,” but they were impulse buys and don’t really go with anything else you own?

This process isn't just about decluttering; it's about understanding your current preferences and, perhaps, the styles you've outgrown. It's okay to let go of what no longer serves you, making room for pieces that truly reflect your personal style.

Related Post: Do I Have Too Many Clothes?

define your style

4. Define Your Unique Style

After immersing myself in inspiration and understanding what I already own, I began to see patterns emerge, and I know when you do this exercise, you will, too.

Pay attention to all kinds of things about your wardrobe and what inspires you.

  • What colors do you like to wear?

  • What cuts of shirts and tops do you like to wear? Do you like long sleeves or short ones?

  • How do you like your clothes to fit?

  • What style of pants, jeans, and skirts are your favorite?

  • How about shoes and accessories - what do you like?

Make a note of all of these things because they are going to help you identify your style.

Your style might be a beautiful blend of several aesthetics, and that's perfectly okay. I found freedom in realizing I didn't have to box myself into one category. Whether you resonate with a classic, bohemian, chic, edgy, minimalist, or eclectic vibe—or a mix of several—embrace it. Your style is uniquely yours.

Instead of putting my style in a category, I selected a few keywords to identify my style.

Related post:

5. Experiment with Style

Experimentation is your best friend on this journey. I started small, pairing unexpected textures and colors and trying on silhouettes I previously shied away from. It's thrilling to see what combinations make you feel most like yourself.

Remember, it's not about a complete wardrobe overhaul overnight. Introduce new pieces gradually and see how they fit with your vibe. This step is all about having fun and exploring the vast landscape of fashion with an open heart.

Related Post: How to Choose a Clothing Style that’s Right for You

6. Start Essential Pieces

One major struggle I find many women make is that they purchase lots of trendy or eye-catching pieces. While investing in a few of those pieces is fine, when you fill your entire closet with those garments, you don’t have the basic essential wardrobe to allow those pieces to shine.

Think of essential pieces as the “boring” pieces in your wardrobe. Think plain white t-shirts, well-fitting jeans, clean white sneakers, solid-colored button-down shirts, and simple cardigans or pullovers. While these garments may be ho-hum, they are the workhorse pieces of your wardrobe that will provide a clean, neutral backdrop for all of those trendy or eye-catching pieces.

Let’s take a moment to talk about an art gallery. If you notice, the walls of an art gallery are always plain white. The floors are usually a nice neutral wood. This way, your eye is drawn to the gorgeous artwork hanging on the walls. Now, think of your wardrobe and outfits the same way. You’ll wear a plain tee or button-down shirt with a pair of jeans or neutral pants. Those pieces are somewhat boring and neutral, but they are only your base layer. Next, you’ll add your eye-catching piece. It could be an embellished blazer, a gorgeous belt, or a designer bag. Those pieces will show off your personal style and create a pulled-together look.

Invest in those essential pieces to help build a versatile wardrobe you love to wear.

Related post: How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe for Beginners

7. Dress for YourSelf

Here's something I hold dear: always dress for yourself. Too often, many of us dress to please others…our bosses, our spouses, our friends, our parents, and even our children can weigh in on what’s cool or not, which can impact our clothing choices.

Your outfits should be a source of joy and confidence.

If you feel great wearing something, that's all that matters. Fashion is an incredible form of self-expression, and embracing your uniqueness is what makes you stand out. Never compromise on feeling like your most authentic self.

8. Embrace the Evolution of Your Style

Our personal style is ever-evolving, much like we are. As you grow and change, so will your preferences and needs. It's beautiful to revisit your style, to see how far you've come, and to tweak it as you move forward. Keeping your wardrobe in sync with your current self ensures that you always feel comfortable and confident in your skin.

Discovering your personal style is a deeply personal and rewarding journey. It's about so much more than clothes—it's about expressing who you are and confidently moving through the world. Remember, there are no strict rules in fashion, only guidelines and lots of room for creativity. I'm excited for you to start this journey, no matter your age, to experiment, to learn, and ultimately, to find a style that feels like home. Let's embrace this adventure with open arms and a wardrobe that's ready for anything.

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How Do I Start Finding My Style? In 8 Easy Steps!